FAHS Class of 1970

1970 on the Timeline      70 Yearbook

Class of 70 Student Photos A - H   Class of 70 Student Photos I - Z

 Class Pages


40th Anniversary Banner     click image to enlarge


1970 Scanned By Bruce Garner

(Higher resolution copies are available.
-- contact Bruce)
Cover by Maho Kono Blog on Facebook here:
  fb "FAHS"
  fb  67-71


70 Stein







Drew, Dutch, and Rai at Graduation (Larger image)
yearbook scans
click image to go to source

Tribute to the tribute band. Me (Dana Cox) imitating friend Paul Kotapish at Wake the Dead concert 6.5.10 in Seattle





Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 09:54:41 -0500 Subject: [Frankfurt_HS_67-71]

I was combing my HAIR this morning & got to thinking...I still have quite a bit of HAIR!  Got me to thinking about the Class of 70 production of HAIR...so, here's our Dana Cox & our sweet Sandi Keim in a lunchtime production, as I recall it.
  - Dutch        more here
click  images to enlarge

---looks like next to Sandi is Gina Henderson? Tina McKee? (Dana) Jane Eyler? ??? Josephine









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  Submit photos, stories, comments, links to  Bruce70